Growing and strengthening the Catholic faith in the Community we serve.


Big Money Raffle

Shepherd of the Hills Parish sponsors an annual Big Money Raffle. This raffle is the most important third-source fundraiser for the parish. Raffle tickets sell for $50/ticket or 3 tickets/$100. The grand prize of the raffle is $10,000 and there are a variety of other monetary prizes as well. Sale of raffle tickets begins in June with winning tickets being drawn in August during the Fish Fry. Parishioners are asked to purchase raffle tickets and to also sell raffle tickets to family members, friends, and co-workers. The participation of all members of the parish in the Big Money Raffle helps make the raffle an annual success.


Bunny Brunch

The annual Bunny Brunch is held on the Sunday before Palm Sunday. The brunch begins after the 8:15 am Mass and is for young and old. All children nine years and younger receive a free stuffed bunny. Proceeds benefit a family or individual in need. Parishioners are encouraged to enjoy the delicious brunch and/or to volunteer to help.


Chicken Dinners

Shepherd of the Hills Parish sponsors three chicken dinners a year as fundraisers and community building events. The chicken dinners are held in spring, summer and fall and include dining in or carry outs. Parishioners are encouraged to enjoy the delicious chicken dinners and/or to volunteer to help. Adults and children are welcome to volunteer and are greatly appreciated.


Dinner Auction Gala

The Shepherd of the Hills annual Dinner Auction Gala is held in late February.   This themed fundraiser includes silent and live auction items and a catered dinner.  Auction items are accepted in the school office. 


Fish Fry

Shepherd of the Hills Parish sponsors a Fish Fry in late summer. The event includes music, raffles, and fellowship. Along with fish, hamburgers, brats, grilled chicken sandwiches and beverages are served. Adults and children are welcome to volunteer and are greatly appreciated.  Big Money Raffle winners are chosen during the event.


Life Teen Annual Sunday Brunch & Used Book Sale

An annual Sunday Brunch is held on a Sunday in February from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. Parishioners are encouraged to enjoy the delicious brunch and shop a large selection of gently used books. Proceeds help support our Life Teen program. Book donations may be dropped off at the parish office throughout the year.


Mission Sunday Weekend

An annual fundraiser for the youth of Shepherd of the Hills that travel on a Mission Trip over the Summer. Mission Sunday, commonly in January, can come in many creative forms: Mass Appeals, second collections, or (more recently) a Foot Print Campaign. Teens cut boot prints out with dollar amounts on them. These boot prints are hung in the back of Church for 1-2 weekends where parishioners can take a boot print of a select amount they are willing to donate. Donations are returned (with their boot print) via mail, collections, or in person to the parish office. All donors to the Mission Journey are invited to the Spaghetti Thank You Dinner at the end of June. 


Scrip Program

Please visit the Scrip page in this website to learn more about the Shepherd of the Hills Scrip Program.